Sunday, August 15, 2010

Grassroots Revival Rocked!

The Grassroots Revival, a community activist/social change/sustainability gathering at Bountiful Cities' Pearson Drive Community Garden in Montford, was an amazing collaboration of people and organizations in Asheville working to strengthen community and sustainability. Here's just a partial list of the more than two dozen projects and organizations that were represented: Transition Asheville, Evolver Asheville, Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project, Slow Food Asheville, FEAST (a project of Slow Food), Fresh Asheville, Dogwood Alliance, Firestorm Cafe, Spitfire Spoken Word Series, Asheville LETS (Local Exchange and Trade System), Grass to Greens (a project of Bountiful Cities), Asheville Grown Business Alliance, Asheville Black Cross, Mountain Area Information Network, My Brother's Keeper, Organic Grower's School, Asheville Green Opportunities, Asheville Green Drinks, Asheville Currency Project, the Latino Advocacy Coalition, and the True Nature Country Fair.

Here's some photos from the event:
Cathy baking some pizzas in the cob oven!

Celeste is on a mission.

Members of My Brother's Keeper speaking about their new organization to help formerly incarcerated men transition from prison into the community.

B Love checking out the new solar food dehydrator (that sounds so sci-fi, doesn't it?)


Circle time, where the 50+ community members described the community projects that they were involved in, sharing ideas and inspiring one another.

Jewell and Reid, hanging out by the greenhouse.

It was truly incredible to see so many individuals in one beautiful space, sharing information and support for all the different ways we are transforming our communities towards mutual respect, love, and sustainability.

Doug and kids.
Lets do it, Asheville!